90 results for 'syrian refugee crisis'

How you can help the people of Syria

Thank you to the hundreds of thousands of Amnesty International supporters worldwide who took action on the crisis in Syria over the last week. Evacuations from Aleppo are nearly complete and the UN Security Council has agreed to urgently deploy monitors to the ground. We have only been able to do...

How you can help the people of Syria

Thank you to the hundreds of thousands of Amnesty International supporters worldwide who took action on the crisis in Syria over the last week. Evacuations from Aleppo are nearly complete and the UN Security Council has agreed to urgently deploy monitors to the ground. We have only been able to do...

4 Ways to Take Action for Syria

By Amnesty International Canada Staff Thank you to the hundreds of thousands of Amnesty International supporters worldwide who took action so quickly to urge safety and protection for the civilians trapped last week in Aleppo. Our voice helped put serious pressure on key governments and the UN...

Amnesty Members in Action

By Gloria Nafziger, Refugee Coordinator, Amnesty International In the past week I had the privilege of attending two fundraising and awareness raising dinners for Amnesty International. Both events were a reminder of the famous quote from Margaret Mead to “Never underestimate the power of a small...

Reflection: Empty seats in lifeboats

Today is the 104th anniversary of the sinking of the RMS Titanic.  On this day in 1912, some 1,514 people perished in the frigid waters of the Atlantic.  That is tragedy enough but 468 of those 1,514 people drowned entirely needlessly.  There were exactly 468 empty seats in the lifeboats...

Reflection: Empty seats in lifeboats

Today is the 104th anniversary of the sinking of the RMS Titanic.  On this day in 1912, some 1,514 people perished in the frigid waters of the Atlantic.  That is tragedy enough but 468 of those 1,514 people drowned entirely needlessly.  There were exactly 468 empty seats in the lifeboats...

12 ways to rebuild Canada’s human-rights record in 2016

Photo: Once consultations are complete, the inquiry into murdered and missing Indigenous women and girls should get underway. Meanwhile widely supported recommendations to help address this crisis can be implemented, such as increased funding for women’s shelters on reserves and better police...

Everyone matters: The struggle for human rights in 2015

Breakthroughs and heartbreak.  Perseverance and triumph.   2015 has reminded us that human rights struggles are very often for the long haul, but also that continuing to shine the Amnesty candle does bring change.  Justice does prevail.  By Alex Neve,Secretary General,...

Op-Ed: Getting back on the human rights track

By: Alex Neve and Béatrice Vaugrante Published on Fri Jan 02 2015 in the Toronto Star No doubt about it, 2014 has been a tough year for human rights. As we look ahead into 2015, with a federal election sometime in the next 10 months, it is time to turn things around. That means addressing...