769 results for 'violence against women'

Building Immunity

Indigenous communities are working to ensure the safety of their members in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Different communities face different threats and challenges and they are developing effective solutions based on the needs of the people and the resources at hand. Many are in need of...

End Immigration Detention

Regardless of their status in a country, both regular and irregular migrants have human rights, including the right to freedom from slavery and servitude, freedom from arbitrary detention, freedom from exploitation and forced labour, the right to freedom of assembly, the right to education for...

Pride 2021: Keeping the Protest Online

Learn more and take action in support of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and two-spirit (LGBTQ2S) rights while practicing social distancing. The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted LGBTI people. People have […]

Amnesty International Book Club: The Dime Box

Written by Karen Grose. Amnesty International announced The Dime Box as its 2021 March/April Book Club novel to coincide with International Women’s Day. As a new Canadian author, I am deeply humbled […]

Show your solidarity #StandWithBelarus

Since the widely disputed presidential election in August 2020, the Belarusian regime has engaged in a brutal crackdown on all forms of dissent, real or imaginary. Police have used rubber […]