250 results for 'water defenders'

Going Public to Support Water Defenders in Canada

It’s no coincidence that three of Amnesty’s highest priority, ongoing cases in Canada all revolve around the industrial contamination and destruction of rivers, lakes and streams.  The struggle over mercury contamination at Grassy Narrows. The risks to water and fish from the Mount Polley...

Support Water Defenders in Canada

Water defenders living in the shadow of the Mount Polley mine say their fight to protect the waters in and around Quesnel Lake is not over, despite Imperial Metals’ announcement that it will suspend operations at the mine in May, 2019 until global copper prices improve. This is why: Mount Polley...

Honduras: Brave land and water defenders face dangerous new attacks

By Kathy Price, Amnesty International Canada’s Latin America campaigner It is a story of immeasurable courage and the lengths to which shadowy and not-so-shadowy forces will go in brazen attempts to extinguish it. The place is Honduras, a country of staggering poverty and a tiny minority with...