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Collage of images of people participating in an event with June 5-8, 2025 date on top

Join us this year for Amnesty’s

Annual General Meeting

Stronger together: Building power to protect human rights

Excitement is building as we approach our 2025 Annual General Meeting, which will convene in Toronto from June 5 to June 8, 2025. This event is an important moment to come together, consider our impact, and look ahead to the urgent challenges facing human rights in Canada and globally.

This year, our staff, members, activists, and Board will come together in solidarity to creatively imagine the future of our movement. By working together to strategically plan and structure how we meet, engage, and organize, we will be better positioned to reach or goals.


June 5–8, 2025


“The George”
George Brown College Residence & Conference Centre
80 Cooperage St
Toronto ON, M5A 0J3

*Registration will open soon.

In the next few weeks, we will update this space with more information about the AGM venue, accommodation and travel, as well as how to participate virtually. We will also provide answers to frequently asked questions. In the meantime, please reach out to if you have any questions or concerns.



The 2025 Youth Leadership Summit



The 2025 Youth Leadership Summit


Annual General Meeting



Annual General Meeting


Times are tentative and will be confirmed in the next few weeks.


Annual General Meeting


Times are tentative and will be confirmed in the next few weeks.

important deadlines


Make sure your membership is up to date! Only Amnesty members are eligible to move and second resolutions, run for election, nominate candidates and vote in the election. Your membership must start 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting to participate in governance activities.


(to become a member for the 2025 AGM)

May 6, 2025

Amnesty Icons


Resolutions, including amendments to the By-laws or Standing Orders, may be submitted by any member of the Branch and by the Board of Directors (in accordance with Article 6.05 c of By-law No. 1). View our Resolution Guidelines for more details.


(for resolutions, 90 days prior to the AGM)

March 8, 2025, midnight


Find out more about the nomination process to become an elected member of Amnesty Canada’s Board of Directors. If you would like to request a Nomination Form or more information about board positions, please get in touch with the Board Nominations Committee.


(if you want to be nominated)

April 14, 2025, midnight

For physical nominations, submits must be postmarked before April 15th and can only be received in our Ottawa and Toronto offices by no later than 4pm EDT on April 30th.

Amnesty Icons


All members will be sent an electronic ballot for Board elections at the end of May 2025 leading up to the Annual General Meeting. Candidate profiles and nomination videos will be shared on the AGM Event website in early May.

Nominations Begin

End of may 2025

Want to join amnesty’s Board of Directors?

At this pivotal moment, we need strong, visionary leaders to join our Board of Directors and Global Delegation. The world is at a crossroads, and Amnesty’s work is more critical than ever. We are looking for passionate individuals with leadership, governance, and nonprofit experience who want to make a tangible impact in shaping our human rights movement in Canada.

Why Join Amnesty’s Board?

By stepping into a leadership role, you will:

Leadership & Governance Info Session


Tuesday, March 18, 2025


7:00–8:30PM EDT

What to Expect

Hear from current and former Board members and Global Delegation representatives, find out how strong governance enables Amnesty to create meaningful change, and get your questions answered!

Available Positions

Chair of the Board

 2-year term

1 position available

The Chair’s overall responsibility is to provide leadership and direction to the Board and staff. The person serves as an ex-officio member of all Board committees and chairs the Annual General Meeting. The Chair also maintains regular contact with the Secretary General and Executive Director and liaises with the International Board and International Secretariat. 

Board Directors

2-year term

4 positions available

(at least 1 position must be held by a youth candidate, aged 18-24)

Directors attend and actively participate in Board meetings and the Annual General Meeting. They approve the annual budget for the Branch, review and assess annual financial statements, mandates, and strategic plans, and participate in and/or lead various committees.

Board Directors

1-year term

2 positions available

Directors attend and actively participate in Board meetings and the Annual General Meeting. They approve the annual budget for the Branch, review and assess annual financial statements, mandates, and strategic plans, and participate in and/or lead various committees.

2026 Global Delegates

1-year term

1 position available

(must be held by a youth candidate, aged 18-24)

The Global Delegate, alongside the Chair of the Board and the Secretary General, represents our Amnesty International Canada (English Speaking) members at the international level of our movement during the Global Assembly and Regional Forum. 

Your leadership and dedication are essential to the success of Amnesty’s mission. We invite you to take the next step in your human rights journey and apply to join our Board of Directors or the 2025 Global Assembly Delegation. Together, we can defend hope and create a brighter future.

Collage of images of people participating in an event and holding up signs

The 2025 Youth Leadership Summit

Special Human Rights College Event

For more than 20 years, the Human Rights College for Youth (HRC) has launched young activists and shaped how youth engage in Amnesty’s governance, campaigns, and leadership. Our Activism Team has trained and connected generations of youth leaders who have gone on to lead human rights initiatives, influence decision-making, and drive real change.

What is the 2025 Youth Leadership Summit?

The Youth Leadership Summit will be a reimagined version of the Human Rights College designed to:

Current youth leaders, youth and student group representatives, and emerging activists from the Greater Toronto Region are invited. We’ll do our best to ensure regional diversity! The Summit will be youth-led, with a planning team comprising youth leaders and Amnesty’s Activism Team.

*Registration will open soon.

Membership Benefits

Amnesty Icons

Urgent Updates

Timely emails with how you can take action to protect human rights.

Witness your impact

Inspiring stories and photos showing how your support is changing lives.

Amnesty Icons

Have your say

Help shape the future of Amnesty by contributing your ideas and views.

Want voting rights at the Annual General Meetings, Special Meetings and in online elections?

Become an Amnesty member

You must formally notify us of your choice to become a member and make a financial contribution of any amount at least 30 days before the Annual General Meeting. You will then have the right to vote in elections for board members and on resolutions.

All Amnesty Canada supporters can become members.

What’s the difference?


Supporters are those who contribute financially or who take action with Amnesty. This could be anyone from a monthly donor to an online petition-signer.


Supporters are those who contribute financially or who take action with Amnesty. This could be anyone from a monthly donor to an online petition-signer.

Board Members

Agapi Gessesse

Board Chair

Current term concludes June 2025

Agapi Gessesse is a powerful, influential and fearless changemaker. For more than a decade, Agapi has worked to enhance the lives of marginalized youth through her work with Toronto Community Housing and United Way Greater Toronto. She is currently the Executive Director of the CEE Centre for Young Black Professionals.

Geneviève Thériault-Lachance, Vice-Chair, Amnesty International Canada

Geneviève Thériault-Lachance


Current term concludes June 2026

Geneviève Thériault-Lachance is a lawyer based in Quebec that specializes in corporate accountability. She is particularly interested in corporate ethics and the connection between corruption and human rights violations.

Fariha Khan


Current term concludes June 2025

Fariha has over a decade of management and technology consulting experience, during which time she strategized, designed, and developed actionable solutions to global and emerging challenges in the public, private, and social sectors.

Aidan Sander, Co-Chair of the Amnesty International Canada National Youth Action & Advisory Committee

Aidan Sander


Current term concludes June 2025

Aidan Sander has been a dedicated member of Amnesty International since he was fifteen. He is currently pursuing a medical degree as part of the Queen’s University Accelerated Route to Medical School in Kingston, Ontario. Aidan is also a Pearson United World College alumnus in Victoria, British Columbia.

Hannah Ahamedi


Current term concludes June 2025

Hannah Ahamedi is a long-standing member of Amnesty International who has taken various leadership roles on the local, regional and national levels over the past seven years. She is a graduate student at the University of Cambridge, completing her MPhil in African Studies as a Gates Cambridge Scholar.

Sarah El Gharib, Amnesty International Canada, Board Director

Sarah El Gharib


Current term concludes June 2025

Sarah is an influential journalist, advocate, and academic known for her commitment to anti-oppression and human rights. She currently serves as Director of Content at the environmental alliance Age of Union, where she leads editorial strategy. She previously held the title of Content and Communications Manager at Global Citizen Canada.

Michael Hayworth


Current term concludes June 2025

Michael is a practicing lawyer in the Toronto area. He has been involved with Amnesty since 2008, has worked on staff with Amnesty Australia, and led the section’s campaign team in 2017. He has a deep passion for human rights and Amnesty and is excited to help build our movement.

Dastageer Sakhizai


Current term concludes June 2025

Dastageer works as a Senior Policy Analyst at the Government of Saskatchewan in Canada. His career in public policy started in early 2006 after graduation from the School of Policy Studies at Queens University.

Laurin Liu, Director, Amnesty International Canada (English-speaking)

Laurin Liu


Current term concludes June 2026

Laurin Liu was a Canadian Member of Parliament between 2011-2015 and served as the youngest female Parliamentarian in Canadian history. For years, she has also worked for international philanthropies and NGOs, where she has played a behind-the-scenes role in strategic communications.

Aisha Ryan


Current term concludes June 2026

Aisha Ryan is an experienced human rights researcher and consultant currently based in Islamabad where she designs and implements development projects across Pakistan. She has worked on social impact and human rights projects in Canada, the UK, France, Italy, Guinea, Senegal, and Australia.